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Towards Safer Drug Treatment
and Enhanced Patient Empowerment

Second Progress Meeting of SafePolyMed in Munich, 21-22 November 2023

From 20–21 November 2023, the SafePolyMed team met in Munich for the Second Progress Meeting.

To kick-off, our hosting partner LeukaNET e. V. gave a presentation on patients’ perspectives and patient involvement. This is central to SafePolyMed, which aims to empower patients to proactively manage their own healthcare by providing equal access to health-relevant information.

LeukaNET e. V.’s introduction was complemented by a talk on the Delphi Method that was given by our partner University Hospital of RWTH Aachen – Institute of Clinical Pharmacology. The Delphi consensus process is relevant for SafePolyMed with regard to developing and validating patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) in close collaboration with patient organisations and other stakeholders.

Each work package presented on the progress being made during the last 6 months. All partners contributed to the project’s truly collaborative approach. Discussions on the progress being made, on shared approaches as well as on upcoming challenges were central. The transdisciplinary exchange brought all partners and the project a big step forward!

We are very excited to continue to work together to enhance patient safety by managing drug-drug-gene interactions.

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