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SafePolyMed Meets in Person for the First Time at Its Face-to-Face Meeting in Saarbrücken, Germany

From 24 to 25 November 2022, the SafePolyMed consortium met for its first face-to-face meeting at Saarland University in Saarbrücken, Germany. After the virtual kick-off meeting in July, it was a great pleasure for all twelve international project partners to have the opportunity of meeting in person. To ensure that all partners and their team members were able to join, a hybrid option was offered. The consortium discussed the progress achieved since the project start in June 2022 and set the stage for the next steps.

The first day of the meeting was opened by the coordinator, Prof. Thorsten Lehr (USAAR), who welcomed the consortium’s teams on-site and online. The morning was complemented by presentations from the project officer and LUMC as well as partners UTARTU, UKA and FhG-IBMT, who gave an overview of the progress within work packages 1 to 3, discussing the patients at risk score, patient-reported outcome measures and the medication management center. In the afternoon, partners USAAR, LUMC and EURICE presented work packages 4 to 7, focusing on model-based precision dosing, the planned EmPaSafe study, and project and innovation management. The insightful discussions were continued at a consortium dinner in the city of Saarbrücken, where project partners were introduced to the local cuisine.

The second day was dedicated to more specific questions within each work package to give the work package and team leaders the chance to address upcoming challenges and solicit feedback from the consortium. Questions within the work packages were collected and openly discussed in the consortium, which ensured transparency and efficiency towards the next steps.

Over the course of the first year, SafePolyMed will continue to focus on the structural set-up of the project while advancing the endeavours of the work packages. The consortium is looking forward to the next in-person meeting marking the first year of activities, which is planned to take place in Athens in May 2023 and will be hosted by partner UPAT.

The picture shows the SafePolyMed consortium at Saarland University during the first day of the meeting – happily gathered together to make a key contribution to improving the health of all citizens.

The SafePolyMed consortium at Saarland University

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